Hayabusa, World’s Fastest train in Japan.

Hayabusa, World’s Fastest train in Japan.

Hayabusa, Fastest train in Japan
Hayabusa, Fastest train in Japan

Hayabusa, the new luxury 186mph Japanese bullet train that travels around Japan which allows passengers to travel with their own cabin attendant with a business class carriage modeled on airliners. A network of cutting-edge Shinkansen train lines has been built up across Japan since the 1960s, and the island nation now hopes to sell the technology abroad. This latest ultra-fast train will make two trips a day between Tokyo and Aomori, the norther tip of the main Honshu Island.

Hayabusa, Fastest train in Japan
Hayabusa, Fastest train in Japan
Hayabusa, Fastest train in Japan
Hayabusa, Fastest train in Japan
Hayabusa, Fastest train in Japan

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